- Creating a blank Competency Assessment Template

About the Assessment Code name

Before creating a new assessment template, check that its code is not already in use by searching for the new code under the List Assessment Templates tab.

Creating New Assessment Templates

To create an assessment template:

  1. Click Competency > Assessment Designer and click the Create Assessment Template tab, or
  2. Click the Add (+) icon next to Competency > Assessment Designer
  3. Enter a code in the Code field
  4. Enter a title in the Title field
    The following items are not required while the template is in draft mode:
  5. Select a Category from the dropdown menu (more information below)
  6. Select an option from the, What Info Can the Candidate See? dropdown menu (more information below)
  7. Select whether it is allowed to pause the assessment and return to it later with the field, Allow progress to be saved?; the candidate will not be able to view any information entered in a paused assessment but the assessor will
  8. Enter some introductory text in the Intro Text field
  9. Click Create

Managing and Adding Categories

‘Categories’ help group and filter assessments (and other items in iPassport) but don’t impose restrictions on access. The Assessments section in iPassport has its own list of categories, not shared by other areas. Categories that are not in use can be deleted and this is noticeable because a delete (trash/bin) icon is visible under the Actions menu.

To add a category to an assessment template (while creating a template or still in draft mode):

  1. Click the edit (pencil) icon under Category
  2. Click inside the text box to reveal the dropdown menu of categories
  3. Click a category to select it
  4. Click Save

To add a new category to the menu (while creating a template or still in draft mode):

  1. Click the edit (pencil) icon under category
  2. Click the manage (spanner) icon under Category to open the Competency Assessment Categories lightbox
  3. Click [+] Add Competency Test Categories to expand the lightbox
  4. Enter the name of the new category in the Name field
  5. The Visibility field can be used to limit categories’ availability to certain OUs
  6. Click Create Competency Assessment categories
  7. Click the close (x) icon on the top right of the lightbox to exit

To edit or remove categories, you must reach the lightbox, Competency Assessment Categories as described above. For each category, under Actions, there should be an edit (pencil) icon that allows changing the name of the category. If a category is not in use, there will be a delete (trash/bin) icon, which can be clicked to remove that category.

What Info Can the Candidate See?

This field is also editable while the test is in draft mode. Its purpose is to choose what the candidate can see when their assessment results are submitted.
There are 4 choices:

  • Pass or Fail only
  • Show failed Questions
  • All info excluding examiner comments
  • All info including examiner comments

Once created, you can add questions to your assessment. To learn how, please see, Adding questions to a Draft Competency Assessment Template