- Document Reviews

Document Reviews using Workflows


The addition of workflows to the document review process provides a powerful and flexible tool with more control over what should happen at every stage in the management of controlled documents.
This user guide covers all the steps required to ensure documents are reviewed within allowed time frames. It describes how to configure the review settings so that iPassport monitors progress and involves the right people at the right time throughout the documents’ lifecycle. It also covers the options and information available to managers to keep a handle on progress at every stage.
When a review leads to the creation of a new version of a document, iPassport allows re-starting a review cycle while the new version is in draft state. Updates to the document can then be evaluated before submitting the document for publishing.
The publishing process uses its own workflows and though it is connected to reviews, it is considered a separate operation within the system. Details about publishing draft documents are found in the user guide, Create, Edit & Publish New Versions of Documents.


NEXT STEP: Permissions and Settings required in document reviews