- Assessment Configurations

Creating Risk Assessment Configurations

Before creating any risk assessments, configuration schemes must be designed to provide a framework for the assessments. This includes defining the fields and information which should be displayed in the assessment’s ‘Overview’ sheet, designing the risk matrix which will be used to score all risks, and defining the fields and information to be included in each risk item. This area also allows configuring the default settings for risk summary tables.

To create a new risk assessment Configuration:

  1. Click Settings in the top right corner of the ‘Risk’ tab
  2. Click Configuration in the tab which opens
  3. Click the Create New Configuration button in the bottom left corner of the page
  4. In the configuration ‘Settings’ tab, enter a Name in the designated field; it must be at least 2 characters long
  5. The Index Config field has a default recipe to produce an index for assessments created with this configuration, which can be modified according to the information [below]( %d, %m, %y); if left unchanged, it will produce an index with the words, “Risk Assessment”, followed by a sequential number (represented by the variable, ’%id’ )
  6. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page; this button remains greyed-out until the information entered meets requirements

When the configuration record is initially created it starts in ‘Draft’ state, and buttons become available to Publish it, Delete Draft or check its Version History.

Before publishing the configuration, work must be completed in the other configuration tabs.
You can click the following links to jump to articles relating to each of these tabs:

Index Config Parameters

A recipe can be set in a Risk Configuration for automatically generated indices of new risk assessments created from it. The recipe can include any short text and it can have any of the following variables within it:

  • %id - adds a sequential number to ensure the index is unique
  • %y - adds the year in which the risk assessment is created
  • %m - adds the ‘month’ portion of the date when the assessment is created
  • %d - adds the ‘day’ portion of the date

NEXT STEP: Risk Matrix Configuration
PREVIOUS STEP: Risk Assessment Permissions and Settings