- Permissions & Settings

Risk Assessments Permissions and Settings

Permissions required

There are 4 permissions which directly relate to the Risk module:

Permission Description
Risks: Create Risks Allow users to create new risk assessments
Risks: Delete Risks Allow users to delete risk assessments
Risks: Manage Settings Allow users to manage settings for risk assessments
Risks: View Risks Allow users to view risk assessments

System Roles

The permissions to access and manage risk assessments are only included in two system roles:

  • ‘Risk Editor’ - this role includes all permissions above
  • ‘Risk Viewer’ - this role only includes the permission, ‘Risks: View Risks’


The Risk module is optional in iPassport. Once it has been purchased it will become available in the ‘System Preferences’ area, where it can be enabled or disabled.

To enable the Risk Module:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > System Preferences
  2. Scroll down and click the Optional Modules tab
  3. Tick the checkbox in the column, ‘Enable/Disable’ of the Risk Module row

NEXT STEP: Risk Assessment Configurations
PREVIOUS STEP: Introduction