Release Notes v3.6.8


Release Notes v3.6.8

In this release period we focused on iPassport security and we’ve applied incremental security patches to our servers.
We also started work on upgrading the system framework to the newest version.
This will allow us to use the best available technologies to build iPassport features as well as keep the system secure with the latest security patches and fixes.

In this release we’re also bringing training videos to iPassport’s own e-Learning platform.
This product is in it’s initial stages and any feedback is much appreciated.

Small Improvements

Added a new permission to revert documents to draft (IV-21127)

To limit the ability of reverting an authorised controlled document to draft, we have added a new set of permissions which allow you to remove the availability of the ‘Action’, ‘Unpublish (Revert to Draft)’.

You can now ensure that unaware document editors and authorisers don’t mistakenly undo the previous publishing process, when their intention is to update the document and create a new version.

Please note that the preference, “Allow Document Owners to perform any action on their documents, regardless of permissions” still includes permissions to authorise and revert to draft. The same applies to Site Admins.

Additional filters in the application changelog (IV-21517)

As the technical team continually works on system bug fixes, we thought it would be useful to add a search tool in the iPassport Change Log’ page. We encourage interrogating this page to find out if a bug fix has been released. You can now search for ticket numbers or text relating to a bug which you reported or have been following.

Bug fixes are generally not scheduled for resolution, they are carefully prioritised and our developers pick them from the top of the list to clear them promptly. Therefore, though we appreciate every email you send us, we usually aren’t be able to provide an expected patch release date in our response.

Announcing availability of iPassport’s new on demand e-Learning platform (IV-21677)

The traditional method of providing iPassport training is via remote screen share sessions, whereby one of our team would speak to your system administrators to provide training on a given topic. While this allows for direct interaction, it’s not an ideal delivery method as it means that the schedules of your system administrators must align to receive a human-led training session as a one-time event. Anybody that isn’t able to attend the event could request a repeat of the session (consuming another hour of your training balance) or learn from the individuals that were present for the session (which is not always ideal).
When we then consider training staff on how to use the system on a daily basis, customers are faced with a choice of using even more of their training balance for staff sessions, trickle down train-the-trainer style training and/or relying on staff learning from internal system administrators.
The LMS eLearning platform is a comprehensive on-demand training platform which provides video content to all staff for consumption at their convenience. If someone needs to watch a particular topic 3 or 4 times or you have staff with scheduling conflicts, no problem - on-demand videos can be consumed as many times as desired at your convenience.
This module is in its initial stage, but we hope it becomes a favourite destination for those who prefer to watch a video to read a user guide. It will also become a training centre for your staff and your feedback will help us shape how it will eventually be integrated with iPassport’s Competency area. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected].

Validation Certificate

To help customers comply with regulatory requirements, the link below produces a certificate of our validation of the software released in this version, in accordance with our own ISO certification and guidelines:

Updated Guides